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Gut Health

The Best Probiotics for Weight Loss | 5 Surprising Truths

When it's hard to lose weight, sometimes the culprit isn't just willpower. Sometimes it's imbalance between good and bad bacteria, which affects our bodies in many ways because gut health plays a critical role in achieving and maintaining an ideal weight.  That's why shoBalance probiotics improve gut health by increasing good bacteria in the digestive track.  Learn more about the 5 surprising ways that priobiotics can help make losing weight more effective.

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Gluten Free Probiotics | How to Help with Sensitivity & Leaky Gut

Gluten in high carb food and drinks can cause digestive troubles, such as bloating, gas, stomach cramps, diarrhea, or constipation.  Probiotics can help, but many contain gluten as well.  That's why sho Balance is gluten-free.  Learn how it affects your gut health and why gluten free probiotics can play such an important role in restoring digestive balance and nutritional nourishment. 

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5 Myths About Probiotics—And the Facts to Make the Best Choice

Questions about probiotics? We help you compare the myths to the facts so you can choose the best one.

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Do millennials need to worry about colon cancer risk?

A report of "colon cancer risk could be rising for people under 50" caught lots of people's attentions especially during the National Nutrition Month in March. These are the four areas that can help maintain gut health and prevent colon illnesses. More

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