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Simple, Healthy, Organized

sho 21 Healthy Habits #1: Be Healthy - ish!

sho Healthy Habits Tip #1: Get Healthy -ish in 2017! How does it relate to the 80/20 rule?  More

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Supplements are NOT Created Equal - Behind The Scene Snapshots of sho Nutrition's Creation!

All supplements are NOT created equal, and this is why we went to great lengths to source the best quality nutrition for ourselves, families and friends. Our partner company operates the most cutting-edge, pharmaceutical-grade GMP facilities that are US FDA registered, and HACCP, OJAS (Organic Japan Agriculture Standard) certified. More

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How to Deal with Obstacles When Starting Up a New Venture

Welcome to our Blog page, shoTheWorld, where we share our stories and tips from around the world that make our lives simpler, healthier, and more organized - that’s what sho is about. In this first post, from my own experience of working hard to bring a brand new idea to the world, I want to share some perspectives and practical tools that hopefully can help entrepreneurs or any high / low achievers to overcome obstacles in work and life. More

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When Life Is Hectic, Being Prepared Is Everything.

At sho Nutrition, we are all about living a simple, healthy, organized – sho lifestyle, and we decided to speak with healthy lifestyle role models in the US and around the world to gather #shoWisdom that could help all of us to do more, feel better and be happier. Today we spoke with Ben Goodall, a Londoner who has a full-time job as a Bank Manager but is also busy with bodybuilding training to compete in the UKUP (UK Ultimate Physiques) next year. More

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Not Happy With The "Horse" Pill… I Got Myself Into The "shoBiz".

Not happy with the "horse pills" and hard to remember to take them, I decided to conquer the “compliance” and “user experience” challenges in the vitamin and supplement industry. After trials and errors, I am finally proud to "sho" to the world the highest quality nutrition in petite Spheri-Gels that are packed in a one click dispenser with a daily tracker, making taking supplements a simple healthy daily habit.  More

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