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Energy Boost

How to Use Vitamin B to Relieve Anxiety Attacks & Stress

Do you struggle with anxiety or intense stress? Among many ways to manage these symptoms, a lesser-known factor that plays an important part is related to the Vitamin B levels in the body. Dietary deficiencies can trigger anxiety and depression, which is why shoEnergy combines B vitamins and matcha to lessen these symptoms, increase energy, and lift mood.  

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Let it "B" - B Vitamins for Energy, Brain & Mood

Research shows that taking vitamin B supplements on a daily basis over a prolonged period of time helps improve energy, vitality, metabolism, cognitive performance, and emotional mood state.That’s why we formulated sho ENERGY+ with clinically effective doses of B vitamins plus Matcha to boost your physical, mental and emotional energies.  

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Your Walking Steps Pay Yourself to Get sho ENERGY+!

If you had quite some indulgence at this past Thanksgiving, we have 5 ways to help you regain control of your weight, and build healthy habits for the festive season, One of them is to walk with an App called Sweatcoin, which turns your steps into rewards, and you have the chance to redeem Sweatcoin with sho Energy+ supplement!  More

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