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Energy Boost

Your Best Energy Boost: B Vitamins, Matcha & Natural Caffeine

Quit reaching for sugar-loaded drinks or more coffee. When you need a boost to start your day or beat the slump, turn to the better boost from sho Energy+!

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How to Use Vitamin B to Relieve Anxiety Attacks & Stress

Do you struggle with anxiety or intense stress? Among many ways to manage these symptoms, a lesser-known factor that plays an important part is related to the Vitamin B levels in the body. Dietary deficiencies can trigger anxiety and depression, which is why shoEnergy combines B vitamins and matcha to lessen these symptoms, increase energy, and lift mood.  

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B Vitamins 101: What You Need to Know for Better Health [Infographic]

What does Vitamin B  do? Learn more about the benefits of essential B vitamins and why it's important to get your daily intake, which is made easy with shoEnergy+.

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B Vitamins are Vital to Your Health - Here's Why

Learn more about the need and value of B Vitamins in this guest blog by Josh Wardini of  B Vitamins are invaluable to your health!

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sho ENERGY+ is helping me in a stressful time both physically and mentally

FRANCESCA BERSELLINI, a multi-facet, talented and beautiful Italian blogger in health / beauty / fashion shares her experience with sho Energy+ and how it helps maintain her energy level physically and mentally while she was under the weather yet still needs to perform at her best. More

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4 Small Acts Of Self-Care To Improve Your Mental Health Now

sho Nutrition welcomes guest author Brad Krause of for these tips on what you can do now for your own mental well-being.

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